The Deaf Dog Does His Best to Learn Sign Language
Danny was a farm dog and was given up by the farmer when he became deaf. He was left alone and was very sad being alone. He was
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The Street Dog Found a Child Left at the Rubbish Bin
As you already know there live millions of dogs, especially street dogs all over the world. The story is about a street dog who found a child crying
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The Fatty Cat Returned to his Owner after five years.
Belly lived with his owner Mr. Hawking for nine years. The most popular saying that the dogs are the most faithful animals, Mr. Hawking had another opinion about
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Pizza Lover Dog struggles for the Biggest piece of Pizza
The dog and his owner John were alone at home and planned to make an enjoyabale day. As they were hungry they decided to make pizza and some
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A Music Lover Dog Made his Owner Popular at the Concert
Ben loves music very much and considers it as an important detail in his life. He has been playing the guitar for a long time and takes part
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An Incredible Rescue of Five Kittens at School From the Vent
This heartbreaking news happened at one of the High Schools in California. One afternoon the staff was going about their usual day when suddenly heard loud and strange
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A Jealous Dog Bit his Owner’s Bridegroom hand at the Wedding
A dog lives in one of the states in America. As you know dogs are considered the most faithful and caring animals in the world. A dog lives
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A Horse Found a Mirror Which Made Him Funny
The story is about a horse who wanted to have a great fun himself. The event took place on a farm where you can find a lot of
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The meeting of the Terrified Snake and The Ugly Girl on The Tree
The girl was picking some fruit from their garden. As the tree was high and picking is imposible she decided to climb the tree to get some more
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The stable visitor of a local supermarket, the cat has become a star in Social Media
Fatty is a male, fair and white cat which has has been spending a time in a local Supermarket for several weeks. He has a family and lives
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