The dog found himself on the pitch during a Football Match.

A young football player Benny is having a lot of football matches in his life.

Benny had a dog which was his friend whom he considered a good companion. The dog was very clever and estimated his master’s efforts in footbal.

When Benny went home tired after trainings the dog helped him with houswork. sometimes Benny took the dog to the trainings with him.

Once he was taking part in a Big Football match which he had trained doe several months without having any break at that time. That match was an important and big event which would play a main role on his carer.

Benny’s desire was to win and became champion in the world cup. After the match when Benny’s team won the match and his teammates were all happy for the award the dog run to the pitch and huged his owner for the win he had waited for a long time.

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